Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Syed Syamin and Tasha

Woohooo Syed Syamin and Tasha are showing their support to #denguepatrolskmeru2. Way to go #denguepatrolskmeru2

Monday, 1 August 2016


What is Dengue Patrol Programme?


Sanofi Pasteur together with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health launches a dengue education initiative to address the rising dengue epidemic in Malaysia.
The DP programme which was launched initially in 2011 as a pilot programme is part of Sanofi Pasteur’s ongoing commitment to take proactive measures to intensify awareness on dengue and involve public participation, especially from the younger generation. In line with the government’s aim to educate and create public awareness on various health matters, the DP programme is aimed at advocating prevention against this disease and spearheading dengue prevention activities in the respective school’s immediate communities.
The objectives of DP Programme are to intensify awareness on dengue and improve public education. This programme aims to recruit students nationwide to form Dengue Patrols in their respective schools to initiate activities that encourage the prevention of dengue and protection against Aedes mosquitoes. The DP programme features a six-week long campaign with activities relating to dengue health awareness and dengue health education that will be supervised by the selected teacher advisor. 

Source : http://www.sanofi.com.my/l/my/en/download.jsp?file=2F4346B6-8DA1-4377-BC93-D2E511E1438F.pdf